Ben Roberts

Ben Roberts

Ben is a freelance writer with a knack for digging deep into feline matters. Their keen insights and passion for cats ensure our content is always purr-fectly curated. An invaluable paw in our litter box discussions, Ben's contributions continue to make our kitty corner truly meow-tastic.

Does Clumping Litter Last Longer?

A woman scooping a clumped cat litter, Does Clumping Litter Last Longer?

Finding the perfect litter option for your cat can be a difficult task. One common question to arise is this: does clumping litter last longer than non-clumping? After some significant research, we’ve found a definite answer to provide some clarity…

7 Best Litters For Cats With Asthma

A gray kitten scratching in a litterbox, 7 Best Litters For Cats With Asthma

Finding the perfect litter is a pivotal choice for asthmatic cat owners. After all, the dust created by these products is a common trigger for their asthma. It’s no surprise you wonder what litter is the best for cats with…

Persian Cat Litter Box Problems

White Persian cat looking at the camera, Persian Cat Litter Box Problems

Taking care of a Persian cat or any cat with litter box issues can be a nightmare. It makes finding out the reason behind what’s causing them a top priority in your life. We’ve done significant research and found some…