Leslie Owen

Leslie Owen

Leslie, a freelance writer, seamlessly blends passion with knowledge in the realm of felines. Her insightful touch to our litter box content adds depth and charm, making our kitty corner a delightful read for cat enthusiasts everywhere.

Clay Litter Pros And Cons

Up close photo of clay cat litter, Clay Litter Pros And Cons

Cats are furry bundles of joy that provide a source of entertaining companionship for the whole family. Suppose you are a responsible cat parent and you are researching the pros and cons of using clay litters? Or wondered if you…

How Often To Change Clay Cat Litter

Cat owner scooping all the clumped up cat litter, How Often To Change Clay Cat Litter

Cats are furry bundles of joy that provide a source of entertaining companionship for the whole family. Suppose you are a responsible cat parent and researching how often to change clay cat litter? Or how much litter to put into…